Saying Thank you

Thank you

say thank you, important, appreciate, gratitude, acknowldegement

They usually say "It's the thought that counts." Well, that's right. No matter how small and cheap those gifts given to us were, we should always be grateful. Appreciation works in several ways:

1. Paves way for more gifts.

Whether it's a gift of love or gift in a box, the one who gave it to you would feel accomplished as if reaching the top of a  mountain or winning in a lottery ticket and would be willing to give you more next time.

2. An act of kindness.

Yes, it's rude to just receive gifts and saying nothing at all. Expressing gratitude reflects what kind of person you are. Too much pride is not an option.

3. It motivates.

 I know you know what motivation can do. When we're motivated, we can perform our jobs better, go beyond our limits or simply be happier with our lives.

4. Establishes stronger connections. 

Stronger connections. Why? Because saying thank you is an emotional act. It contains feelings deep inside. It emanates these feelings and does affect not only our brains, but also our hearts.

5. Makes the moment memorable. 

This goes both ways. When you say "thank you" for something in extraordinary way, you will be remembered as a person with good breeding and etiquette. But when you didn't bother to say so and the person who gives or do something to you expects that acknowledgement he deserves, well good luck.

So, even in your office, school, in public. Never forget to say "Thank you." It does magic.

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