Take A Step In Life

Life quotes, inspirational quotes, hell heaven quotes

Here's a quote to ponder on: "Sometimes in life, we prefer the HELL we know than the HEAVEN we don't know." Life is full of unknowns and strangers. Sometimes we choose to be hurt than to find things that can make us happy.

Panda Stuffed Toy

One day, while walking with my girlfriend at a famous theme park in Sta. Rosa, Enchanted Kingdom, we passed a couple of games inviting customers to play with their plenty and huge stuffed toys as prizes. Seeing my girlfriend's eyes twinkle upon seeing them, I felt the urge to get her one.

I went to the game where you must make the bottle stand with a fishing rod.

Enchanted Kingdon, bottle stand, game bear prize

One... Two... Three... Plus a couple more tries, I can't make the bottle stand. But it's possible, I almost made it, and there are people who made it and got a big bear. I went to try other games: shoot the rings in the bottle and put the ball in the bowl by bouncing in an image. And after a couple of tries, here's what I've got:

Panda Stuff Toy, Enchanted Kingdom, Teddy Bear Prize EK

Huge stuffed panda. Here's what I've realized:
  • Giving stuffed toys and teddy bears on monthsaries, anniversaries, birthdays and other occasions does not choose age.
  • It's not really the stuffed toy, but the memories behind it
  • Some do appreciate these gifts but other prefer more creative and meaningful ones.

Dog as a Present

If dogs can speak, they might be the sweetest thing in the whole world, maybe even sweeter than a girlfriend. A dog is also a gentleman, and may practice chivalry more than a boyfriend.

cute dog, small dog, gift dog

These Pictures Will Make You Reminisce

If you're a 90's kid, I'm sure you're familiar with these so-called "Picture Messages." From our Nokia 5110, 3210, 3310 and so on, we share these pictures to our friends, crushes and ka-MU's. Even though the cost then was P15 (as I remember), we still send these picture messages on special occasions. Please share if this post made you reminisce :) What memories did you suddenly remember?

Loom Bands -- hey boyfie, your gf might like it

Wether it's a test of dexterity, a hobby or a profitable art craft, many have ventured to loom bands already. The craze is all over the world. From kids, teens, moms, many have hopped the bandwagon of these creative looms. Who knows, your bestfriend or girlfriend might like this also?

This is a cheap and great gift idea for your loved one. Oh, tell them not to forget to hang-out with you still if they become obsessed with this looms. And just be sure not to buy the fake ones. :)

{photo via}